Coach, facilitator, and educator specializing in fostering joyful, effortless, and authentic living and action.

Jasenka loves people and is deeply committed to those who take responsibility for their own well-being, as well as that of their communities and organizations. With a background in psychology, management, and electrical engineering, and over thirty years of project experience, she brings a wealth of diverse professional knowledge and a profound understanding of human dynamics. Over the years, she has gained invaluable wisdom, focusing on fostering growth, cultivating relationships to achieve common goals, and adeptly balancing potential with reality. Jasenka is passionate about encouraging individuals and teams to take the first step towards desired future.
MA in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching, Middlesex University, London, UK
Institute of Psychosynthesis, London:
- Diploma in 5DL (Five dimensions of leadership) coaching
- Diploma in psychosynthesis life coaching
- Diploma in psychosynthesis leadership and organisational coaching
IEDC – Bled School of Management, Slovenia
- MS in Management
MS in Electrical Engineering and Computing, Univeristy of Zagreb, Croatia
Looking for a balanced career, in 2007 Jasenka founded Isoropia. At that time, she did not realise that companies, or so are living creatures, and as such are very fond of life. Isoropia has the character of a beautiful dog that faithfully follows Jasenka’s dreams.

Isoropia is in many ways connected with the world. The network includes people, profit, nonprofit, formal and informal organisations, from the level of ideas to specific products.
Strohalov prilaz 7
10010 Zagreb – HR
Tel: +385 98 452 134
MB 02233444
OIB 78947324026