eu projects

The main reason for Isoropia’s participation in EU projects is to spread its network of associates and partners. During the projects we share our own existing, common experiences and create new ones.

The “intellectual outputs” or results of these projects are qualitatively the same as the results of our “business as usual”: we produce materials and programs for adults’ life long learning, in which we encourage them to accept changes, to take responsibility for their own resilience and balance, to live fully and authentically. However, being with colleagues from other countries, we leave our comfort zone, different languages are spoken, perspectives on our circumstances are changed. Universal human desires, needs and values become visible listening to the stories of the projects’ participants coming from different regions.

What is interesting is the fact that transformational learning occurs during each and every project. (Maybe because we find this kind of learning the most important?!) No matter which formal role each of us has, we are all teachers and students. Every project influences our worldview. We change during the projects, as humans and professionals. Helping relationships are created. Each of us learns about himself of herself, and therefore becomes more authentic, more close to the core of himself or herself, more holistic – we heal ourselves. And that is exactly what we in Isoropia want to give to the world!

online transformative learning

Start: 2020-09-01
End: 2021-12-31
Lead: Legacy17, Sweden

Erasmus+ project
Pushing the boundaries of online transformative learning – OnTL

Informal adult education
Higher formal education
Workplace education

Research and collate current best practice.
Design, implement, experiment with and assess methods and approaches that enhance the impact of online transformative programs and learning events.

Produce guidelines for their design, and the support for effective delivery.

The Erasmus+ project “Building Capacity for Transformative Learning“ increases adult educators competences to use more deeply engaging learning methods in their teaching and training programs.

The team is made of five leading partners who all bring together relevant skills in transformative education: Visionautik e.V. – project coordinator, Isoropia, Meaningful Meetings, Legacy17 and Rogers Foundation.

“A Transformative Edge”, book for educators of adults.

Join our facilitated processes and alternative educational programs and projects.
Our tools are silence, opening up new possibilities, power and faith to see the images of a possible new life!

During 2018 and 2019 we offer courses that could be fully financed by ERASMUS+ Mobility Program KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of staff in adult education.

We expect participants who usually take roles as leaders, change makers, social entrepreneurs, people in transitions and those who want to acquire skills for more creative lives.

LOGO zrno soli


Restoring Resilience –
Connecting to Nature and Self


Learning Mobility for individuals

We started implementing a two-year project within the European program Erasmus+ titled “Living Authentically – Learning Mobility for individuals” in 2015.

New competencies are supposed to be acquired during a life time, especially if someone wants to live life authentically. Isoropia supports people in their personal, organizational and community transitions into a new, more sustainable stage of their development, based on a proactive and creative attitude.

One line of support provides workshops during which participants discover their strengths, dreams and ways of how to create a person’s desired future. The second kind of support is to provide training programs for the new competences needed for efficient collaborations in network organizations.

The project was implemented in partnership with: Visionautik Akademie – Germany and Aura Sviluppo Sostenibile – Italy.


Sustainable Learning in Times of Chaos & Crises

At the beginning of 2013 we started a two-year project within the European Lifelong Learning Programme, the Grundtvig sub-program entitled “Enhancing Systemic Transformation – Sustainable Learning in Times of Chaos & Crises” with the aim of teacher education for the introduction of systems thinking in school.

The program was implemented in partnership with: DIM – Association for Civic Education and Social Development, Humus – a management company communications, Slovenia, Nuova Cultura d’Impresa di Luigi Antonio Luciano tattoo Italy and SoL Intézet Hungary.