The training course will take place in Restaurant Maksimir that is situated in beautifull Park-Wood Maksimir in Zagreb, capital of Croatia.
During afternoons and evenings we will “swarm” out across the whole city of Zagreb to the most attractive and suitable pockets and places to work and learn.
November 5-10, 2018
Restaurant Maksimir, Zagreb, Croatia
Facilitators: Goran Hudec and Mare Šuljak
Info: Jasenka Gojšić, +385 98 452 134, jasenka.gojsic
(A Pinch of Salt – Isoropia, Zagreb, Croatia)
and aims
Evoke your creativity is an experiential six days course about creativity in action, rapid innovation and deep presence. The approach is founded on 4 P (Person, Process, Product and Press) theory.
This course employs the magic of a group, working together, learning together, providing service, support and feedbacks with each other, being active, but guided and protected. One topic, the same process, an individual approach.
The fundamental longing of humans is to express themselves; the fundamental human ability is creativity. Expression can have different forms and needs a variety of tools and techniques. Tools and techniques without the right skills are wasted potentials.
Being creative causes suffering if we cannot live creatively in our profession. It is not only about how to act with more tools and techniques, but to build a bridge between your voice and your work. It requires clarity of what someone wants to express and an understanding of the creative process.

This course is based on the outcomes of the 538710-LLP-1-2013-1-CY-LEONARDO-LMP TECRINO “Teaching creativity in engineering” project. Methods and tools developed in Tecrino project have wide implementation in developing Innovation and Creativeness. Approach and concepts shaped within Tecrino project will be within this course focused to sharpen your personal skills, competencies and building self-awareness.
The objectives of the course Evoke your creativity are to:
On professional level:
- Explain the underlying concepts of creativity; concepts, methods, tools and applications.
- Use procedures for identifying and linking creative elements of the product.
- Develop skills in assessing and recognizing creative people.
- Apply methods of creative thinking in solving specific problems
- Identify the environmental parameters in creating an ideal creative environment
On personal level:
- to accept creativity and innovation as an integral part of your being.
- Change your perceptions, create new symbols, create new metaphors using only sense of vision or body language
- Develop your ability to sense. Trust your sensibility and trust your intuition.
- to use imagination.
- to learn how to solve problems with new methods and tools, and to connect experience with theory of creativity and innovation
Course will use methods to develop the general ability to solve problems in a creative way. This will be supported by teaching strategies and techniques to foster creative performance. Training will provide experiential learning of innovation and creativity encouraging and rewarding curiosity and exploration. You will be included in international communication and cooperation in an intercultural environment creating opportunities for choice and discovery.

who is it for?
The course is created for adults whose capacity is to live life fully and authentically significantly influence other people’s wellbeing: teachers, facilitators, innovators and change makers. We invite people who enjoy learning by living, people who want to live more authentically and proactively. Participants will gain a better reference point for their creation. This course opens up the possibility to initiate a long-term transformation and to become a more creative and innovative professional.
Participants will gain international experience, may strengthen their international professional relations, play an active role in the professional communities and gained organisational knowledge in organisations with the best reputation in adult education for new, sustainable economy and authentic living and collaborating.
Participation fee: 500,00 EUR per person
Fee includes course materials, breakfasts, refreshments and lunches.
Accommodation and dinners are not included.
This course can be supported by Erasmus + Mobility Program
KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of staff in adult education.
what to bring?
We invite you to be fully present during all the course dates: engaging in activities, being on time for sessions and committing fully to learning, sharing and exploring the topic.
Take some adequaty clothes and be prepared to learn from and enjoy in nature.
who will be with you?

Goran Hudec is Full Professor with Tenure at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology. Born in Zagreb he received Dipl. Ing. on Computer Sciences, Mr. Sc. on Electronic and Dr. Sc. on Electrotechnics degrees from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb.
Last few years his focus has been on creativity and innovation (TECRINO Teaching creativity in engineering, 538710-LLP- 2013-1- CY-LEONARDO- LMP) enhancement. Transferring that knowledge into adult education is one of the reasons for his contribution in the project.
Goran is also a key person on ongoing CONNAT project. Goran masters online teaching skills in e-Learning Academy gaining experience also as on-line mentor. Goran is also author of on-line course «Designing with FrontPage».
Mare Šuljak is a visual artist, working as a freelancer. She is longtime associate of Isoropia in making visual materials for different Workshops. She is also a member of Grundivg Learning Partnership Project; Enhancing Transformation in
Time of Chaos and Crises, as an associates of DIM NGOs. As an artist and leader of art workshops Mare provides students with the tools for making models of their dreams through art.
She uses drawing techniques and teaches attendees to look at the object of interest and its transformation resulting from the change in perspective. Using the medium of painting to create awareness and visualization of internal chaos and crisis in order to understand better the need for transformation.
and partners
This project is coordinated by A Pinch of Salt, and supported by Isoropia d.o.o. from Croatia.
A Pinch of Salt is informal intellectual community of co-creators.
A Pinch of Salt was created to give our contribution to the creation of a world where people live authentically. We work through communion and learning through the process of creation and implementation.
A Pinch of Salt conducts facilitated processes, alternative education, programs and projects. Our tools are silence, opening up new possibilities, power and faith to see the images of a possible new life.
Isoropia d.o.o. is a privately held company, established in 2007 to enable a balanced career for its owner and to promote an authentic way of living and working among those who seek their own way or are passing major transformational points in their lives. The company provides support in personal, organizational and community transformations by training, facilitating, consulting, and participating in projects which fulfill the deepest desires of individuals and groups of people.
Office: Strohalov prilaz 7, 10010 Zagreb – Croatia, Tel: +385 98 452 134
draft programme
Day 1 – Introduction in the week
Presentation of the purpose, objectives and training agenda.
Work agreement (interactions, pauses, reflections). All necesarry unimportant information.
Day 2 – Creativity Theories
Opening Circle – check-in Affirmative questioning of previous experience of team participants. Recognizing the key interests of the learners.
Introduction to Creativity Theories
Getting to know basic concepts, methods, tools and concepts about creativity and approaches. James Melvin Rhodes framework of the 4 Ps of creativity (Product / Person / Press / Process) and applied creativity. Metamapping 4 P theory.
Workshop: Innovative case studies
Determining basic concepts on concrete examples (products), reflecting and connecting experience with theoretical frame.
Day 3 – Creative people
About creative people
- How (and way?) to evaluate someones creativity?
- How creative are you?
Workshop: (Auto)portrait on Plastel
Personal creativity tests
Joy Paul Guilford’s testing of personnel assessments. Acquiring skills of recognition and assessment of creative people. Ellis Paul Torrance approach and evolution of TTCT (Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking)
Day 4 – Creative environment
Creative Games / Examples
Workshop (in creative environment): creative applications of everyday materials
Day 5 – Creative procedures
Creative procedures; divergent and convergent thinking. Edward De Bono’s lateral thinking and approach to other aspects of creativity. About prejudices, contrast and negative thinking.
Workshop: Change of perspective / paralel thinking – “Six Thinking Hats”
Brainstorming and some more creative thinking encouraging.
Genrich Altshuller‘s approach in TIPS (The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) and implementation on technical and others problems.
Day 6 – Explore the future from within
Follow up activities; dissemination, future cooperation and implementation.