MSc Psych
Goran Hudec is Full Professor with Tenure at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology. Born in Zagreb he received Dipl. Ing. on Computer Sciences, Mr. Sc. on Electronic and Dr. Sc. on Electrotechnics degrees from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb.
His professional career started at Brodarski Institute where worked on applied research and development of marine systems such as undersea acoustic communication devices. Skills in acoustics and in organization of in-situ measurements where applied to managing complex technological projects as TP-A59-02 “Acoustic Emission based protection of CPS Molve”. In the field is also patent on acoustic interior design HR PK20100404 B3.
At University he is author of two university textbooks and co-author of the third university textbook the author of over 80 scientific and professional papers. To enhance his teaching skills he took courses “Active learning and critical thinking in higher education” and the use of information technology with CARNets “Management and E-learning”.
His research on education methods started with “Textile Factory on the Internet” and “Referral center for the development of educational materials.” He led the IT project “Virtual Museum of design based on ethnic heritage” and took part in FP6 project 027607 mGBL “mobile Game-Based Learning”. He is national coordinator of a “Teaching creativity and engineering” Tecrino 538710- LLP-1-2013-1-CY-LEONARDO-LMP project.
His interest include writing SF short stories and is an active athlete. Expirience with a choice of learning methods could be applied to this project.
Divergent thinking are one of elements of building Resilience of People. Creativity will be important element in Connecting to Nature and Self.