Learning from nature

The course will take place in beautifull Lemurija House, authenticly renovated old farmhouse that is situated in small village Mala Ludina, surrounded by forests and fields.

May 6-10, 2019
Mala Ludina, Moslavina, Croatia

Arrival Airport Zagreb airport “Franjo Tuđman”. Transfer to the venue in Mala Ludina will be organized by local organizers.

Facilitators: Jasenka Gojšić and Mare Šuljak

Info: Jasenka Gojšić, +385 98 452 134, jasenka.gojsic@isoropia.hr
(A Pinch of Salt – Isoropia, Zagreb, Croatia)

and aims

Learning from Nature workshop is an experiential five days workshop about your Self perceptions, that are determined by its relations with other phenomena and that are changed by the very act of observation.

The fundamental longing of humans is to connect ourselves with our own essence. It is not about how to act with more rational knowledge, but to create a bridge between your rational mind and your inner wisdom, developing the necessary emotional strength and spiritual power.

The workshop will take place from May 5th to 10th, 2019 in Mala Ludina, Moslavina, Croatia.

The magic and  beauty of nature can deliver you peace, love, intuitions and the calm you need in challenging chaotic times.


Isoropia provides support to individuals and organizations in two ways. One way is to organize workshops that discover the strengths, dreams and ways how to create a person’s and collective’s desired future (neither fixing deficiencies nor solving problems). The second kind of support is to provide training programs for the new competences needed for efficient collaborations in network organizations.

This workshop is the result of two European projects:


The objectives of the workshop ”Transform Yourself – Learning from Nature” are:

  • Starting transformational process

To create the field and open the space for transformation, redirect your attention from outside to inside, practice listening to yourself and experience the deep breath of life that is breathing within you. The path from outside to inside. The quality of your inner space.

  • Ensoul your perception

Change your perceptions, experience the wonder of an ensouled world. Create your symbols, discover your mirrors, create your metaphors from your experience with nature. Add transpersonal spiritual energies. Develop your ability to sense. Trust your sensibility and trust your intuition. Use your imagination.

  • Live Sustaining Transformation

Love yourself, improve your self-esteem, rehearse your presence, develop your imagination, live a more harmonious life during your systemic transformation.

  • Come back from inside to outside

Act with your roots in your soul. Explore the future from within. Letting go, letting come. Authenticity and the courage to speak with your voice. Show yourself. The U movement.

  • Share and harvest

The key lies in transforming both our capacity to see and sense, and our capacity to create.

  • Be whole, be connected

Build your capacity to see that which no longer separates the observer from what’s observed; a new capacity for stillness that no longer fragments who we really are from what’s emerging.

  • Explore the future from within

Add a new capacity to create alternative realities that no longer fragments the wisdom of your head, heart and hand. A synthesis of all different facets of a single way of being.


With the use of observation, imagination, visualisation, storytelling, silence and mindfulness techniques you discover nature as an inspiration for your own life and a way of living authentically together.

Silent observation and experiential and mindful connection with nature and self are especially emphasized throughout the course.

The development and use of your own metaphors for an authentic life and living together will be enhanced, learning from nature.

Through meditation, and visualisation, and mirroring participants will learn from each other, develop a connection and open communication within the group.

Thus the training course will include elements from storytelling, improvisation, authentic movement of bodywork.

Additionally, short theoretical inputs and exercises for coloring and visualizations will be used.

who is it for?

The workshop is created for adults whose capacity to live life fully and authentically significantly influence other people’s wellbeing: teachers, facilitators, innovators and change makers. We invite also those people that learn by living, people that want to live more authentic and proactive, balanced lives, will gain better reference point, internationally developed course and possibility to get involved in long-term program that would support their transformations.

Participants will gain international experience, may strengthen their international professional relations, play an active role in the professional communities and gained organizational knowledge in organizations with the best reputation in adult education for new, sustainable economy and authentic living and collaborating.


Participation fee: 1000,00 EUR per person
Fee includes VAT, accommodation, all meals and refreshments, course materials.

This course can be supported by Erasmus + Mobility Program
KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of staff in adult education.

If you will choose Isoropia for your partner in Erasmus + KA1 application, here you can find our Partner information sheet!

This course is on EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe. You can find it here!

what to bring?

We invite you to be fully present during all the course dates: engaging in activities, being on time for sessions and committing fully to learning, sharing and exploring the topic.

The main theme of this course is exploration of yourself in relation to nature. We will use embodiment, meditation, opening activities – like Deep dive into yourself – Mindfulness practices – Learning lab practices – as parts of our daily program, thus be ready to host yourself and prepare your body (and clothes) for active and engaging presence.

Daily “soul check-in”, journaling on your role in life, inner conversations, sharing and listening in coaching circles, taking inspiration from nature and transpersonal experiences are essential parts of the workshop.

Comfortable clothes and shoes for indoors and outdoors activities; raincoat or waterproof jacket.

Feel free to innovate and cocreate with us the workshop contents. Bring your favorite music (instruments), games, inspirations for others, etc…

who will be with you?

Mare Šuljak is a visual artist, working as a freelancer. She is longtime associate of Isoropia in making visual materials for different Workshops. She was also a member of Grundivg Learning Partnership Project; Enhancing Transformation in Time of Chaos and Crises, as an associates of DIM NGOs.

As an artist and leader of art workshops Mare provides students with the tools for making models of their dreams through art.

Jasenka Gojšić is a facilitator of transformational learning. She has 23 years of experience in leadership and management, always focused on the growth of people involved in an endeavour. As a mentor, teacher and trainer, she supports transformation by experiential learning. Jasenka has a Master’s degree in telecommunication and informatics earned at Faculty of electrical Engineering and Computing of University of Zagreb, Croatia, and Master of Science in Management achieved at IEDC School of Management, Bled, Slovenia.

draft programme

Breakfast: 08:30
Lunch: 13:00
Dinner: 19:00

Please note that the program might be a subject to changes.

Day 1 – Exploring Your Attitude Toward Nature

Morning meditation
Opening Circle – check-in
Barefoot Soil Walking
Coaching circle
Connect Yourself and Nature

Day 2 – Ensoul your perception

Morning meditation
Harvesting Circle
Framing Your Presence
Coaching circle
Night hike

Day 3 – Life Sustaining Transformation

Morning meditation
Harvesting Circle
Step in a Wather
Coaching circle
Connect Yourself and Nature

Day 4 – The path back from inside to outside

Morning meditation
Harvesting Circle
Voice walk
Coaching circle
Visiting local community

Day 5 – Taking Inspiration from Nature for Rest of Your Life

Morning meditation
Harvesting Circle
Explore the future from within
Coaching circle
Title of a Book of My Life