Isoropia primarily promotes transformational learning. Transformational learning has the goal to change one’s personal perspective and attitude, where a learner and a teacher are together in the process, both learning and developing themselves.

Given that competence is defined as a multiplicity of attitude, knowledge and skills, a positive attitude is not sufficient for competent living. Isoropia encourages a development of skills and new knowledge, and yet sometimes only creates a need for further learning.
Isororpia creates the learning processes which include all human aspects: mental, sensory, emotional, physical and spiritual. Isoropia organizes and participates in very diverse learning processes: lectures, workshops, seminars, retreats, and conferences.
At large events, Isoropia provides a process design and facilitation according to the participative leadership and total system intervention principles.
examples of tailormade workshops
- Psychosynthesis Coaching Limited, Leadership Masterclass Story Telling in Leaders, for Department of Business and Trade, UK, September and October 2023
- University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, PhD Day 2023, June 2nd 2022, workshop “PhD Study: A Flow or Burnout?”
- Edu4Games Project, ESF
Design and facilitation of the workshop “Teaching competencies for participatory learning” for university teachers, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022
Isoropia organizes and participates in very diverse learning processes: lectures, workshops, trainings, seminars.
All of the workshops below are available upon request.
Open workshops are for everyone. The themes are very diverse because they are driven by the inspiration and the excitement of many people from the same vibrational network, with very different professional and life experiences. Our wishes are to activate potentials through open workshops, to open up new opportunities, to expand perspectives, to develop the skills needed for clearer expression, to connect the heart, mind and hands of the participants …
Some of the events were organized by us from Isropia, A Pinch of Salt or Center for Participatory Leadership, and on others we were guest or co-creators. They all might serve as inspiration for new gatherings. We can help in design and facilitation of an event.