The Sustainable Career is aimed at individuals who want to find their current main motivators and adapt their career, i.e. everything they do in life, to their most profound needs. It is important to know which organizational mechanisms most affect the balance in life and to keep an eye on them while creating a professional relationship.

everyone has a career
What is yours? Does it allow you to reach your full potential as a person, as a parent, a friend and a professional? Very few people desire a balanced career, but those who do have opted for a most demanding life and business path.
Let’s Balance Our Life:
personal development,
participation in the lives of others
and what we do every day!
we noticed that
- different variants of professional experience are not always obvious and available to us,
- everyday routine duties exhausted us regularly,
- family, social and service network do not always support our current needs,
- personal development is often seen as a luxury and a privilege, and not as a basis and support in meeting the needs and the realization of dreams.
we wish
- to use our potential in its fullness
- to become aware of the possibilities
- to show examples
- to help and support the creation of life that suits you
Participation is
active, engaged and practical
through learning and researching in the following topics
- career and balanced career;
- new trends in employment;
- principles, techniques and methods applicable in balancing all three segments: personal development, community life and work;
- getting to know the people who have decided to measure success with their personal satisfaction.
“How organizations support
and hinder balanced careers?”
This workshop was inspired by the research conducted for the creation of Jasenka’s Master’s Thesis “How organizations support and hinder balanced careers?”.